
Not quite butterflies

The quilt is done and hung:

Overall, I find it hard to look at, to reconcile as a single object in one's mind.  In person, I see more slanted stars than flying farfalle or butterflies.  The quilt I linked last post used rectangles, rather than squares, and I definitely should have done that.  I used 5" charms, raiding a pack of neutrals I've been sitting on for baby quilts.  This quilt came 100% from stash, which I'm very happy about.  The backing is a pretty neutral large-scale print that I got at a local fabric store from someone else's deep-discount destash, which I was happy to put to use. 
Does it tie the whole room together?
Quilting-wise, I only outlined the farfalles - we can agree, yes, that the neutrals needed more?  I didn't know what to do, so I left it. 

The binding got the fancy treatment that Stolen Quilt also got - I machine-stitched a fancy zig-zag on the front with the binding folded around to the back instead of hand-stitching it down.  

The only real success I see here is how nicely the batik worked to pull the forest green and seafoam together.  I like that.  Otherwise, it feels weird and too personal and awkward.  BUT!  It's probably better than a bare wall.

More on the decorating front is this first attempt at Sashiko:

Before washing out the pen

Traced a pattern, stitched a pattern, in the aforementioned forest green.  I used this heavier-weight fabric I bought for pincushions, which is kind of a looser weave.  Now I don't know how to finish it to hang in the same office - Sashiko pieces, if the internet is to be believed, tend to be made into useful objects, rather than just decorations on the wall.  I don't want to quilt it, so that leaves framing it or finishing it as a hanging somehow.  One of those floating frames might be nice, or a $0 option that has yet to occur to me.  

If you have any ideas, drop me a line.  

Happy crafting!

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