
No more thread basting!

Best decision ever.  Well, best quilting-related decision ever.  Basting is sucky, and thread basting is so sucky that it overwhelms the desire to finish the quilt and leaves me procrastinating and grumpy.  I switched to safety pin basting, and it's working just fine. 

I realized how happy this decision has made me when I sat down to baste the next quilt, which is made from a Moda Bliss charm square stack, some white fabric, and a wee bit o'yardage from a print in that line.  This quilt has been just as fast as the squares one before it.  I think after the battle of attrition that OMG Pink Quilt was, I've needed to feel like I was making fast progress, and simple charm square quilts are fitting that bill nicely. 

This entire thing was pieced yesterday, and half of the quilting is done - I loved the grid quilting so much on the first charm square quilt that I'm doing it again.  The back is a flannel, also from this line, which I think will prove quite snuggly. 

Due to my astonishing ability to fail to plan ahead, I have nothing to bind this with.  Nothing suitable, anyway.  I've got some purple, some jade, and some dark gray.  Meh. 

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