
FO: The Lion

For a Christmas present, I made my youngest brother The Lion. It was my first English Paper Piecing project.  I replaced the pink with shades of bright blue and stuck with the basic color scheme for the yellows, though I don't think I hit each Kona shade exactly.  

I got a fabric glue stick especially for the purpose and it worked well. I only thread baste under extreme duress. 

The pattern was a birthday present, and I probably got started with the cutting and gluing in August.  By mid-September, the top was complete, though I let it sit for a long time before taking the papers out. 

I did echoing lines over the face and ears and mane-ish loops and spirals in the mane section.  I used yellow thread on the face and it took me awhile to decide to use clear thread in the mane - couldn't find any color that I liked over the very wide range of shades.  

With more (wonky, asymmetrical, please don't look too closely) echo quilting in the gray, it was on its way, and the binding was a snap to hand-finish.  The back is a simple print in a dark teal.  

I like Violet Craft's patterns a lot.  If she ever does a raccoon, I will be all over it.  I also love EPP just as much as I feared I would, and am planning 17 EPP quilts, each of which will take hundreds of hours to complete. 

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