
to combine or not to combine

Precisely how bad is it to mix un-pre-washed and pre-washed fabrics in a quilt project? Will it ruin it totally, can't-even-give-this-to-the-dogs ruin it? Or will it cause people to merely have a profound spiritual experience upon gazing at it, rather than actually moving them to tears?

I ask because in Connecting Threads's Cyber Monday sale, I got two charm packs for 87 cents each, and I would love to start making them into quilts right this second, but have no un-pre-washed white fabric. That situation will be remedied just as soon as the mail starts moving again, thanks to a lovely gift certificate from my aunt. Washing the charms by hand is an option, but probably a terrible one, more trouble than it's worth.

Hrm, I'm also realizing that the stash fabric I want to add to these quilts has all been washed already. Perhaps I'll just seize the day, then.

Or maybe I could just soak the charms in really hot water, then line dry them over a register. That would probably move my starting time back to tomorrow, but then I could work on the things I really should be working on today, AND look forward to starting that quilt sooner rather than later. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Thanks, this has been really helpful.

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