
Sea Ass

My sea silk came today, and I am hatching a plan. I ended up getting the cornflower and wildflower colorways, which are a little less bright than I was imagining they would be, but beautiful nonetheless.

I'm not a shawl person, really, and kind of find it hard to believe that anyone born after 1900 really is a shawl person, but hey! I wear all kinds of stupid things all the time - and if the weird and outmoded thing I'm going to inflict on my coworkers this time happens to be a shawl, well, then so be it. I have nothing against shawls, it's just that they strike me as out. And not out like bell bottoms or side ponytails, out like bloomers or boned corsets or ruffled collars. Although I'd love to get my hands on a pair of bloomers, too, so what the hell. I can find a place here and there to wear a shawl.

The only two shawls I've ever seen and had a glimmer of interest in making are Icarus and the Shetland Triangle. A little google-fu has given me proof that people have indeed successfully made Shetland Triangles with a single skein of Sea Silk, so I've interlibrary loaned Wrap Style and am airing out the silk now. Because, to quote, talk about stank.

Google-fu has also led me to conclude that the Sea Silk just needs to breathe a bit. Don't worry, though, I will keep you posted.

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